The Divine Nervous System
‘Be still and know that I am God.’ –Psalm 46:10 ‘Be still’ – engage the parasympathetic portion of the nervous system[1] – ‘and know’ – internally, through your embodied felt sense[2] – ‘that I am’ – that the truth of who you are – ‘God’ – is Divine. What if the Divine is the resolution of trauma and the flow of a regulated nervous system? What if making love with the Divine is living as fully human and fully divine, moving in and out of activation and deactivation, sympathetic and parasympathetic, nervous system states[3]? I have travelled a long way on my spiritual path. I have journeyed up and down,…
Dancing in chains of traumatic suffering: a life-style in discipleship?
I reflect on the paradox of performing a discipleship ‘dance’ during ongoing suffering and trauma. The metaphor of the dance has been used extensively to describe the dynamic relationship between God and the disciples. It has been growing in popularity liturgically and academically over the past decade. Many studies reveal that dance therapy is promising for the alleviation of psychological trauma but is very dependent on the therapist, patients and their groups (Tomaszewski et al, 2023). However, most people I know in the UK dance exclusively during joyful and celebratory occasions. In pastoral ministry, I have recently realized that the very notion of Human-Divine ‘dance’ as a model of authentic…
Mediators between Kami and the People: What is the position of the Shinto priests?
Shinto is a unique polytheistic religion in Japan based on ancestral rituals and nature worship. According to Japanese mythology, the Imperial Family and many other clans are descended from the kami 神, so successive emperors have important roles as the priest-kings. Shinto shrines have a strong regional character, and unlike monotheistic churches, each has its own traditions and ways of thinking, which are completely different from those of monotheistic churches. As Shrines Shinto, the most common and traditional Shinto, has no specific doctrines or scriptures, no absolute precepts and no guru, so understanding the reality of the faith can be difficult, especially for people who have never visited Japan. Kami…
Abortion, the Brazilian Supreme Court and the National Conference of Brazil’s Bishops
In these times of troubled seas, there is no respite, no possibility of hiding from conflicts, of not falling into the abyss of accusations and divisions, especially when confronted with certain problems that life insists on presenting to us. Dialogue, mutual understanding, real solidarity and love for our neighbour are at risk of becoming empty words, especially in the mouths of those who consider themselves to be their representatives. Forgive me, readers, for insisting on the same theme I addressed weeks ago.[1] New chapters of this old story have taken place, new divisions have arisen even within the CNBB (National Conference of Brazil’s Bishops). Disagreements and different opinions have manifested…
Faith, Pain, and Healing
A Journey with Stage Four Endometriosis through the Lens of Practical Theology Introduction My spirituality and religious beliefs played a major role in my coping with endometriosis and helped me navigate this complex health condition. My journey with endometriosis using Osmer’s four core tasks of practical theology reflects on the role of spirituality, faith communities and healthcare professionals in Nigeria, the limitations of the healthcare system and the benefit of increased awareness and advocacy for endometriosis. Endometriosis happens when endometrial tissue is present outside the uterus, resulting in symptoms (Usmani, 2022) of pain chronic pain such as dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation, dyspareunia or pain during sexual intercourse, chronic pelvic pain…
Reflections on Theology, Victim Blaming, Misogyny and the Church of England
Four decades and still no progress or change – so what is next? When it comes to sexual violence, particularly against women, victim blaming occurs when blame is shifted from the perpetrator to the victim. This happens across society and culture, media, religion, justice, and public health. Victim blaming often focuses on the woman’s behaviour, character, or situation, which minimises the offender’s responsibility. Recent media reported examples include the Rochdale grooming gangs where the Deputy Mayor said that “victim blaming led to failings” and that “an attitude of victim blaming’ meant authorities failed to protect young girls from sexual abuse”.[1] In addition, in 2022 the BBC highlighted that the Past…