
  • Environment,  Hinduism,  Indic Religions

    Plant Worship to Planned Performances: Changing Human- Nature Relationship and Ritual Practices

    Nature, a term freely used in multiple contexts and holds several meanings. The word nature is often defined or understood as the inherent quality of any particular thing. The Latin word natura is used to denote the essential constitution of the world. Since sustainable development poses a global challenge, interaction between human society and nature becomes an object of concern. The idea of a personified nature has given us several pictures; of a nature that speaks, interacts, and even takes revenge. Understanding the abstraction of nature in human minds is a complicated process. However, looking at the multiple manifestations of nature, without reducing it into a mere physical entity, gives…

  • Christianity,  Current Events,  Disease,  Hinduism,  Indic Religions,  Interfaith,  Interviews

    “The Apocalypse as a Cosmotheandric Communion: A Hindu-Christian Dialogue” – An Interview with Shruti Dixit

    As part of interfaith week, we are interviewing a number of people connected with Practical Theology Hub about their work on interfaith dialogue. In this interview we ask former member of our editorial team, Shruti Dixit, about Hindu-Christian dialogue and her recently published paper, “The Apocalypse as a Cosmotheandric Communion: A Hindu-Christian Dialogue.“ Tell us about yourself. I am currently a second-year doctoral researcher at the Centre for the Study of Religion and Politics, School of Divinity, University of St Andrews, researching the plausibility of a Hindu-Christian dialogue based on the notion of end times. Due to my strong belief in impactful research, I am involved in multiple interfaith projects.…

  • Environment,  Hinduism,  Indic Religions,  Islam

    Responding to the Cosmic Chorus: A Meditation on the Ecological Visions of Islamic and Hindu Theologies

    Mortal dooms and dynasties are brief things, but beauty is indestructible and eternal, if its tabernacle be only a petal that is shed tomorrow…Inter arma silent flores [“In times of war, flowers fall silent”] is no truth; on the contrary, amid the crash of doom our sanity and survival more than ever depend on the strength with which we can listen to the still small voice that towers above the cannons, and cling to the little quiet things of life, the things that come and go and yet are always there, the inextinguishable lamps of God amid the disaster that man has made of his life. Reginald Farrer quoted in:…

  • Black Theology,  Hinduism,  Indic Religions,  Scripture

    Constructing a Hindu Black Theology

    In the context of Christianity, black theologians have offered understandings of scripture that promote black upliftment. One may then ask the question: can a Hindu to do the same? I argue that the answer to this question is “yes.” In this article, I examine the Bhagavad Gītā and the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, two central Hindu sacred texts, in order to construct a Hindu black theology. I first turn my attention to the notion of the spiritual equality of all living beings. Hindu thought recognizes that individuals have a physical and a spiritual aspect of their being. The spiritual aspect is the ātman, or the immaterial spiritual self, who remains distinct from…