
  • Current Events,  Intrafaith,  Judaism

    Two Peoples Living in this Land

    Born and raised in the US, I have lived in Jerusalem for over 51 years. For many years, I have been involved in inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue, and in the Jewish religious peace movement. Israelis – and, I’m told, Jews throughout the world – are still reeling from the brutal atrocities of October 7th. The horrifying, nihilistic attacks were reminiscent of the worst, most painful periods of Jewish history. I would add to that something that has been of grave concern to me, personally, and that is the resurgence of antisemitism in the West, including and perhaps especially on the campuses of North America. I used to have great faith…

  • Current Events,  Intrafaith,  Judaism

    Reflections on Israel and Gaza after October 7th

    When the attack by Hamas occurred on October 7th, I was leading a service for the festival of Simchat Torah, the Rejoicing in the Torah, a particularly joyful day in the Jewish calendar. I had heard there was an attack, and mentioned in the service that we were thinking of those who had been killed, but we had no idea of the full extent or horror of the events of that day.  Details emerged over the following days, and then Israel began its attack on Gaza and our television screens were dominated by pictures of the terrible suffering there. Like many of my colleagues and friends, I found myself close…

  • Buddhism,  Christianity,  Hospitality,  Judaism

    BIAPT Conference 2023, Practical Theology Hub Event: S.H. Cedar, S. Horne, and Patricia Palazzo Tsai (Video)

    Today we are thrilled to release the video of the Practical Theology Hub Event on hospitality which was held at BIAPT’s annual conference 2023 and features S. H. Cedar, Steven Horne, and Patricia Palazzo Tsai. Please note that parts of the video have been edited in order to protect the identities of non-speaking participants. Check it out below or on our YouTube Channel.

  • Hospitality,  Judaism,  Scripture

    Welcoming the Stranger: Aligning Hospitality, Justice and Charity with Righteousness

    This article explores hospitality, the theme of BIAPT’s 2023 annual conference to be held on 11th to 13th July 2023. If you want to explore these sort of themes further, please consider joining us for the conference. For details visit the conference website here. In the Tanakh (the Bible) there are many instances where we are commanded to treat the stranger with charity, justice and righteousness. Why? Perhaps it is based on the idea of reciprocity, a payback for having been guests, presumably quite good guests: “Because you were strangers in a strange land” (Exodus 22:20) This seems reasonable; the good guest becomes, hopefully, the good host. After all, every…

  • Judaism,  Scripture

    Mitzvah – Making the Place More Holy: The Ultimate in Practical Theology

    The word “Mitzvah” is probably best known as part of a word that constitutes one of the main Jewish lifecycle events occurring when a child reaches the age of 13, the Bar Mitzvah (son) or Bat Mitzvah (daughter).  But what is a mitzvah? Basically, the definitions are: a precept or commandment or a good deed done from religious duty.   However in Judaism it is so much more about relationship than command. The beneficiary of the  mitzvah is not the person receiving the good deed, but the person doing it. That is because doing mitzvah is to make this place, Earth, more holy, adding sparks to the universe. By following the precepts it is…