Body Theology
Problematizing Whiteness in Religious Scholarship: A Call for Racial Justice
Introduction A recent Twitter thread asked users to “Watch Whiteness Work” by pointing out examples of White Privilege [1] across various contexts (Husky 2023). This raises important questions for religious scholarship regarding whether our academic disciplines may also perpetuate systems of inequality [2] we ostensibly critique. As Christian ethicists and theologians concerned with justice and righteousness, how might our scholarship be vulnerable to racial bias? The study of religion and theology within higher education is responsible for confronting internalized racism within its canon and methods. As womanist scholar Emilie Townes notes, appeals to the Bible and doctrine often supplied the ideological justifications for systems of slavery, segregation, and other evils propagated upon…
Embodiment Spirituality and No Words Theology. Is this what was resurrected? Journal entries and theological reflections from Holy Week 2024.
I am sharing here my journal entries and theological reflections from Holy Week, 2024. When journalling I usually start with a question and then sit quietly and wait for the answer. This is what I wrote. Remind me again. What is Theology? It is the study of the Divine. This, spirituality, and education – from neuro-queering and embodied perspectives – are my academic, professional, and lived experience specialisms and expertise. What do I need to know today, which is Good Friday? On Good Friday we are reminded of the fate which awaits humanitarian and humane humans who challenge the empire, its systems, and the status quo. When enough of us:…
What Leviticus can teach the Church about Autism
Inspired by Mike Bird’s recent article, and the podcast Autism and Theology. As someone living in a family full of neurodiversity and a daughter with a beautifully spicy brain, we are in the trenches, and so I felt compelled to write a response. Michael F. Bird, Autism and the Image of God. Today I am a heartbroken Dad. Yesterday, my daughter told me she doesn’t want to come to church anymore. I stood there in her room, vainly trying to convince her that coming to church is better than the Minecraft videos she was watching on YouTube. You see, my daughter lives with Autism and ADHD. She is what professionals…
A Review of “Corpo:reality – Body and Embodiment in AI and Robotics”
The Corpo:reality – Body and Embodiment in AI and Robotics conference was held in early December in Würzburg, Germany, organised by Netzwerk für Theologie & Künstliche Intelligenz. Elon Musk recently indicated that AI would eliminate the need for all jobs and we will all have robot friends.[1] At the conference Dr. Ilona Nord raised the question will robots replace the pastor or is the physical presence more important? There are uses for robots in social care, industry and even to assist the pastor, but to replace them would remove the physicality. Even with Zoom meetings, YouTube services or in the metaverse, both pastor and congregation need to be physically present,…
Lollipops and Paper Hearts: The Trauma of Embodying False Truths
Picture this: it’s Friday evening. The church hall is full of excitable teenagers – gossiping, sulking, judging. Staccato bursts of high-pitched laughter punctuate the rumble of conversation. Eventually, they settle down. Today, their youth leader tells them from the front, they will be continuing their series looking at identity, specifically, today they will be looking at…pause for dramatic effect (or maybe to steel the nerves)…sex and sexuality. Giggles, embarrassed snorts, guffaws. “Alright! Settle down!” Following a short sermon-style talk that details “God’s plan for sex: marriage,” the children are separated. The boys follow the male youth leader into a side room. The pastor’s wife, who is a special guest this…